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How We Review Board Games

What Do Our Review Ratings Mean?

Our review ratings largely align with BoardGameGeek User Ratings, but our descriptions for the rating values are slightly different and we assign a label to each value, helping you quickly gauge what a rating means in terms of fun and quality. Refer to the following table for a full breakdown of our ratings rubric:

Ratings Rubric

Rating Description
Smash Hit

An all-time favorite. I'm always ready to play and can't imagine that ever changing.
Big Hit

A top-tier game that I always want to play.

I'd happily recommend this to anyone.
A good game that I'm usually happy to play. Generally a good time.
I'll join in if others want to play, but it's rarely a first choice.
A middle-of-the-road game. Neither exciting nor dreadful--take it or leave it.
Not good. I might give it another shot if others are keen.
No Thanks
I'd rather not play, but I could be persuaded if desperate. Still not worth it.
Hard Pass
Actively frustrating or boring. I'll avoid this one at all costs.
Total Misfire
Unplayable. I'd rather do just about anything else than suffer through this.

Recommended Games #

A game with a review rating of 8 or more qualifies as a board game hit, which means it comes highly recommended by us. To recognize standout games that go above and beyond, we break our hits into three tiers: Hit (⭐), Big Hit (⭐⭐), and the rare Smash Hit (⭐⭐⭐). The star rating help distinguish between the three tiers. Each level reflects increasing levels of excellence, from great to outstanding, signaling that the game delivers something truly special. Whether it’s deep strategy, creative mechanics, or pure enjoyment, these games are the cream of the crop.